Bremen train station - mosaic of local themes (from the 50s) |
flat croissants with cinnamon - said to be a memory of french troups stationed in Hamburg in the 1800s or so ... |
Wallanlagen - the old defense rampart turned into a park (in the middle of the city) |
Schnoor |
Schnoor |
the cathedral (Dom) |
at entry to the Böttchergasse |
the Himmelssaal (sky room) by Hoetger in Böttchergasse (rarely accessible) |
the staircase to the Himmelssaal |
Sögestrasse (Söge = pigs) |
useful pigs... |
market - dutch tulips on sale |
'Der Roland' |
buten un binnen, wagen un winnen |
central place between Rathaus and Kaufmannschaft |
a Venecian piazza up north... |
remains that survived several wars, lovingly secured and resurrected |
Schlachte - along the river |
view of the Schlachte |
Weserkahn |
Schlachte |
links der Weser... (left side of the river) |
left graffiti art left of the Weser |
Wallanlagen - biking paradise |
hmmmm (catching the eye) |
Aegina (sculpture by Gerhard Marcks) |
Wallanlagen park (mideveal ramparts) |
Mühle in den Wallanlagen |
(ramparts park)
Hanse-style buildings (my favorite one) |
die alte Waage |
Hanse-style building (this one is my favorite) |
and the top |
this was new - across the Baumwoll und Kaffeebörse... (the coffee exchange) |
kind of a fountain |
altes Amtsgericht (the old court building) |
old court building |
die Wümme |
Wall an der Wümme |
am Dobben |
Rathhaus (this is 15somethinghundreds...) |
inside Rathaus |
the arms of Bremen |
wale bone (Rathaus) |
conference dinner inside the Rathaussaal |
how the sailors did away with the boredom during travel... |
small street in the Viertel |
view towards the center of life and party: Ostertorsteinweg |
die Glocke (the bell - the concert house, built in the 30s) |
Domsheide (right side: cathedral) |
train station |
inside train station (detail) |
Gräfin Emma |
next to the cathedral |
Roland und Rathaus |
Marktplatz (market place), Poseidonbrunnen and cathedral |
Glocke and cathedral |
in Peterswerder |
typical streets |
somebody went 30 without being married (Domtreppen fegen)... |
market aside the church
the Universum (science exploratorium museum) |
watch dog |