Curriculum Vitae Eva Hornecker |
From february 1997 I was a
research assistant at the interdisciplinary research institute artec (now artecLab) of the
University of Bremen with Prof. F.W. Bruns. I worked in the
DFG-project EUGABE with Bernd Robben (now Dr.
Robben). In Oktober/November 2001 I
was a research visitor at the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design
(L3D), University of Colorado,
Boulder, and also had a short visit at MIT's Tangible
Media Group. In summer 2004 I defended my PhD thesis on 'Tangible User Interfaces als kooperationsunterstützendes Medium' in Bremen, receiving the title of a Dr.Ing (PhD). In Oct/Nov 2004 I was guest researcher at the User Centred Design group in the Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark in Sønderborg. From February 2005 to February 2006 I was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Interact Lab, University of Susssex, with the British EPSRC project Equator, working on the Chawton House project - me an' me lab mates - Photos from beautiful Brighton and surrounds From May 2006 to December 2006 I was acting Lecturer in Interaction Design at the HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury, New Zealand, contributing to the introduction of Interaction Design as teaching subject in NZ. - a subset of pictures is on flickr ... In January 2007 I joined Yvonne Roger's new Pervasive Interaction Lab at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, which is part of the Human-centric Computing group, with my own small research project 'A framework for collaboration-sensitive Design of Tangible Interaction' (a Post-Doc Fellowship funded by the German National Research Foundation /DFG). Besides of doing some research on my own, I collaborated with the other researchers at the lab (in particular Paul Marshall and Sheep N. Dalton) and with the EPSRC funded ShareIT project (Sussex University and OU). September 15th 2008 I started a position as lecturer in the Department of Computer and Information Science at the University of Strathclyde, in Glasgow, UK. On February 1st 2013 I was appointed a full Professor in HCI at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany, in the Media Computing department within the faculty of Media. Since summer 2014 I lead the new HCI master program at BUW. IMPRESSUM Eva Hornecker Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Fakultät Medien - Medieninformatik Bauhausstr. 11 99423 Weimar 00 49 3643 58 3887 eva(at)ehornecker(dot)de |