Research Projects of Eva Hornecker |
2013 - ongoing. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar UbiComp and Urban Space. We continued on our research agenda, developing interactive installations for urban spaces and evaluating these. This was pursued by Dr. Patrick Tobias Fischer, in particular through a number of large student projects, usually consisting of a mix of Computer Science and Media Architecture students as well as Product Design, Media Arts and Visual Communication students. E-textiles and Wearables in stage performance: Michaela Honauer's PhD project on developing interactive costumes for theatre and dance and getting these on the stage, in particular for traditional theatres. We experiment with textile materials and electronics, as well as collaborating with external partners towards actual performance work as deployment, and analyse the process and experience. Bio-Inspired Fluidic Soft Actuators and Sensors for the Design of Shape Changing Tangible User Interfaces: Kristian Gohlke's PhD, exploring the use of soft robotics and phneumatic textile actuators principles for shape-change interfaces and interactions ELIXIER - BMBF Project 'Erfahrungsbasiertes Lernen durch interaktives Experimentieren in erweiterten Realumgebungen': industry-collaboration project on augmented learning environments for experiment workbench scenarios (2016-2018) Experience of multimodal data representations and DATA PHYSICALIZATION: informal continued collaboration with Dr. Trevor Hogan (Ireland) (following up on his PhD with me) and Dr. Uta Hinrichs (Scotland) FluidData UX Project (DFG) (2020-2023): What if data moves into the world in 3D-materiality? What can we create and how does this change the user experience of data representations? There is evidence that different modalities, in particular physical representations engender a different encounter with data, in particular a more emotional, empathic engagement. FluidData UX investigates the potential of shape-shifting fluid (pneumatic) materials for representing information, beyond traditional bar charts and alike, and studies how people react to, engage with, and understand such representations. What's the role of materiality and being able to touch data? ReThiCare. funded by VolkswagenStiftung (stared April 2019). This interdisciplinary project (with BUW Product Design, STS-studies at TU Chemnitz and Robotics researchers from the University of Southern Denmark) explores the design space of robotic, technical assistance in care - avoiding the dominant rhetoric and image of anthropomorphic, complex robots and instead focusing on unobtrusive, mundane helper-machines, gadgets and furniture (embedded with robotic intelligence). We collaborate with a care-center in Weimar and the local municipality care center in Odense. ... for more details and other projects see our HCI lab website
2013 - 2017. University of Strathclyde EU MeSch Project Material EncounterS with digital Cultural Heritage, exploring do-it-yourself tangible interactives at heritage sites. A wealth of digital repositories related to cultural heritage have been created and made available in the last few years. meSch wants to make innovative use of these by creating a tool for creating adaptive smart exhibits. The core problem underlying all digital artefacts is the loss of materiality. meSch wants to put the physical back in the centre of cultural heritage experience. In meSch curators, artists and designers will work together to develop do-it-yourself technology for creating adaptive smart exhibits. The project (2013-2017)
receives funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework
Programme ‘ICT for access to cultural resources’ (ICT Call
9: FP7-ICT-2011-9) under the Grant Agreement 600851.
2008- 2013. University of Strathclyde
(Mobiquitous Lab): see this more detailed description on a dedicated page (given the length of time) Embodiment in physical
data artefacts through creative practice./ "Data and Dasein, A
Phenomenology of Human-Data Relations". Trevor Hogan's PhD project
(finished and defended 2016 at BUW) Multimodal Interaction
and Museum Learning. Loraine Clarke's PhD project . (ongoing) UbiComp and Urban
Space. Patrick Tobias Fischer's PhD project (finished and defended
2015) Interaction Styles and
Guidelines for multi-touch interaction on maritime equipment: Frøy
Birte Bjørneset 's PhD project (I was 2nd supervisor) T-vote - supporting
children's decision making through a tangible tabletop application.
project, in collaboration with the EU PuppyIR project at
Strathclyde) TabletopTweets. (theses project) "Wi' gleesome
touch!"A user study of touch interfaces for
families. We followed up with an ethnographic-style observational study in the newly opened museum and compared behaviours, resulting in a DIS paper on behaviours of people in user studies versus lab situations and the resulting difficulties of predicting visitor preferences and interaction patterns for museum installations. Supporting School
Children with Mobiles. (2009-2010) 2007-2008 The Open University,
Milton Keynes 2006 HitLab NZ Augmented Book User Study of the AR-Jam . Study conducted as part of the MagicBook project in collaboration with the BBC (AR-Jam development). Examines the use of the augmented reality technology for education. We observed children reading an augmented book aimed at early literacy education and analysed interaction issues and effects on reading motivation. Publications: - E. Hornecker, A. Dünser. Of Pages and Paddles: Children's Expectations and Mistaken Interactions with Physical-Digital Tools. Interacting with Computers. Special issue on 'Physicality and Interaction'. Forthcoming - E. Hornecker, A. Dünser. Supporting Early Literacy with Augmented Books – Experiences with an Exploratory Study. Proc. of Informatik 2007. pp. 555-559. pdf - A. Dünser, E. Hornecker. Lessons from an AR Book study. In Proceedings of TEI'07. ACM, 179-182 pdf - A. Dünser, E. Hornecker. An observational study of children interacting with an augmented story book. Proc. Of Edutainment 2007. 305-315 pdf - H. Smith, R. Luckin, D. Stanton Fraser, L. Williams, A. Duenser, E. Hornecker, A. Woolard, B. Lancaster. Sun seeking: Interactive story-reading through different media. Accepted Poster for AIED 2007 - E. Hornecker.Physical Affordances considered Harmful!? Position Paper for 2nd International Workshop on Physicality 2007 pdf Augmented Tourism Study. New Zealand TechNet grant for overview study on augmented museum experiences and mobile tourism for Tamaki Tours Ltd (5000$) Publications: - E. Hornecker; P. Bartie. Technology in Tourism: Handheld Guide Systems and Museum Technologies. HitLab NZ Technical Report 2006-1. 2005-2006 University of Sussex: Chawton House sub-project/experience of EPSRC project Equator. Started March 2005. In cooperation with University of Southampton, Chawton House and a Southampton school. Co-Design with Chawton House curators and teachers for a visitor information system (for the grounds of Chawton House) for visitors and school fieldtrips. A literacy fieldtrip with 6 students was run in July 2005, the children taking inspirations from the grounds for a creative writing exercise. Key Publications: - Introducing the project and giving background of the setting and problem space: The Chawton House Experience – Augmenting the Grounds of a Historic Manor House. pdf paper in the workshop “Re-Thinking Technology in Museums: Towards a new understanding of visitors’ experiences in museums”. Focusing on the school fieldtrip: - PerEl 2006 (Pervasive E-Learning Workshop), and ED-Media 2006 (both focus more on technical part), - IDC 2006 (Interaction Design and Children) (focus on the design of the fieldtrip and the childrens experience) - Hornecker, Halloran, Fitzpatrick. Taking Literacy Beyond The Classroom. Proc. of Informatik 2007 pdf Focusing on the Co-Design Process: - DIS'06 (users evolving understanding over time, use of methods) and - PDC'06 (reflection of the design relationship(s) and learning process) and - MobileHCI 2006 on using lessons learned from the co-design workshops to develop in-situ authoring tools 2003-2004 TU Vienna:Evaluation Study medien.weltenEvaluation of SmartCard usage and visitor engagement with interactive installations in the exhibition medien.welten in the Technical Museum of Vienna (Technisches Museum Wien) involves a diploma thesis (by Matthias Stifter) on statistical data analysis of events from the and usage of exhibits as well as qualitative observation and interviews with visitors. Key Publications: - Endbericht / final report (in German) to the museum and the sponsors of the exhibition - O. Moritsch, E. Hornecker, M. Stifter. Assessing Visitor Behavior and Attitudes in the medien.welten Exhibition. Poster at CHI 2004. Vienna. ACM. p.1536 pdf - E. Hornecker, O. Moritsch, M. Stifter. Mit einem digitalen Rucksack in den medien.welten. Poster at Mensch & Computer 2004, Paderborn. München: Oldenbourg Verlag. pp.309-310 (in German) pdf - E. Hornecker, M. Stifter. Digital Backpacking in the Museum with a SmartCard. Proc. of CHINZ (7th Annual Conference of the NZ ACM Special Interest Group), ACM Press, pp. 99-107 pdf - E. Hornecker, M. Stifter. Learning from Interactive Museum Installations About Interaction Design for Public Settings. Proceedings of OzCHI 2006. Sydney. ACM, 135-142 pdf Snippets from the evaluation reappear as case study illustrations for the Tangible Interaction Framework (CHI 2006, E-CSCW 2005) Continuation and WriteUp of PhD Thesis project Eva Hornecker. Tangible User Interfaces als kooperationsunterstützendes Medium. PhD-thesis. published electronically at Elektronische Bibliothek, Staats und Universitätsbibliothek Bremen. July 2004 Teaching .... -Related Publications: - E. Hornecker. Learning about Interactivity from Physical Toys. Full Paper for NORDES 2007, pdf - E. Hornecker, T. Psik. Using ARToolKit Markers to Build Tangible Prototypes and Simulate Other Technologies. Proc. of Interact 2005. pp 30-42 (pdf) 1997-2003 Bremen:EUGABE ( DFG-Finanzierung/German National Research Funding) 1997-2000development of conceptual and functional prototype for a pneumatics learning environment that couples physical objects with digital simulations Key publications: (non-listed publications in German only) - HCI 1999 - ED-Media 1998 and - CHI 2000 poster (in cooperation with follow-up EU Project) Gegenständliche (Greifbare) Benutzungsschnittstellen und kooperative Modellierung. (PhD project funded with a grant by the Hans-Böckler foundation 2000-2003) Sub-project funded by Hans-Böckler foundation in cooperation with the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design (L3D ), University of Colorado, Boulder: Evaluation of the EDC system Dissertation / PhD thesis handed in April 2004: "Tangible User Interfaces als kooperationsunterstützendes Medium" (defended in June 2004) Key publications: - COOP 2002 paper and - DIS 2002 paper on EDC evaluation - on tangible interfaces in general (in German, 2003) Key results and the EDC evaluation reappear as case study illustrations for the Tangible Interaction Framework - CHI 2006 - E-CSCW 2005 E. Hornecker. Sketches, Drawings, Diagrams, Physical Models, Prototypes, and Gesture as Representational Forms. Position Paper for 2nd International Workshop on Physicality 2007 pdf (translation, update and summary of content from thesis) |